
R is for Rainbow Cake

Bear and Bee’s grandparents have been up north on holidays for the past 6 weeks so both girls were very excited when they learnt that Grandma and Grandad were back and coming for a visit.  Bee decided straight away that we needed to make a cake for them.  Not a birthday cake but a hip-hip-hooray cake (I think she meant a welcome back cake).  Anyway that decision was easy, now to decide on the cake.

I gave Bee some Donna Hay Kids Issue magazines to look through.  I love Donna Hay as her recipes are inspired and taste great as well as being achievable.  She has written some fabulous cookbooks and I subscribe to her monthly magazine, mostly to look at the pictures these days.   Bee eventually settled on a Rainbow Cake (you can use this recipe from the Donna Hay site and then divide the cake mix into 3 and tint one pink, one with cocoa for chocolate and leave 1 white).   However as the cake in the magazine was in layers and I don’t have that many round cake tins we decided to make it as a marble cake with the colours swirled together (I think as long as there was going to be pink cake, Bee would have agreed to anything).
Rainbow Layer Cake from Donna Hay Kids Issue magazine
Rainbow Layer Cake from Donna Hay Kids Issue magazine
The recipe was for a melt and mix cake which meant no need to get the electric beaters out and cream the butter and sugar.  It also meant that Bee was able to do most of the steps herself with my supervision (Bear got distracted and disappeared again :)).  Melt and mix cakes do tend to be a little denser than regular cakes, much like a mud cake. BTW there was enough mix to make two cakes as you will see in photos.

Here’s what we did:

Sifting flour into a bowl for rainbow cake.
Sift the flour into a large bowl.
Stirring sugar and baking powder with flour for rainbow cake.
Stir in the sugar and baking powder.
Cracking eggs into a dish for rainbow cake.
Get plenty of practice cracking eggs.

Adding wet ingredients to dry ingredients for rainbow cake.
Mix in eggs (minus shells), milk, melted butter and vanilla.
Divide cake mix into 3 bowls and colour for Rainbow Cake.
Divide cake mix into 3 bowls, leaving one white.

Adding pink colouring and cocoa to mix for Rainbow Cake.
Add pink food colouring to one bowl, cocoa to the other and mix well.
Spooning cake mix into tin for Rainbow Cake.
Carefully spoon cake mix into greased and lined tin.
Making icing for Rainbow Cake.
Make lots of pink icing for cake.
Spreading icing onto rainbow cake.
When cakes are cooked and cooled completely, spread on icing.
Beautiful rainbow cake
Bee very proud of what she achieved.

Enjoying the rainbow cake.
Bear and Bee about to enjoy the cake with their grandparents.


  1. You should slowly whisk the cream this would help you to reduce the flattering you can add the flavoring or sugar once the cream tend to thicken you are also in need to increase the speed once vanilla or sugar is incorporated into the cream says
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