
S is for Strawberry Fair

Last weekend we went to a Strawberry Fair in a nearby town.  It was a perfect day out – quality time spent as a family, great weather, good food and entertainment and plenty of interesting things to look at.  Bear and Bee had a wonderful time and couldn’t wait to get stuck into the punnets of strawberries that we had purchased.  We held out until the car trip home and it was worth the wait.  They were the best strawberries we have eaten this season – not too big, just sweet enough, juicy and tasting just like strawberries.  Bear was prepared to disregard my warning of not eating too many in case she got a tummy ache so in the end I had to pretend that the box was finished and hide the evidence. 

We got lots of ideas for strawberry recipes for kids from the fair too.  The strawberries kebabs (fresh strawberries threaded on a bamboo skewer) dipped in melted chocolate looked divine but Bear and Bee aren’t too keen on chocolate so I will have to keep that idea for dessert for hubby and me.  We will try making a batch of strawberry muffins this week and perhaps some strawberry ice blocks if the weather stays warm so keep a watch on upcoming posts to find out what we make.

Going to a fair like this is a good opportunity for children to see that food can come from places other than a supermarket.  I hope to take Bear and Bee to a strawberry farm before the end of the season this year so they can pick their own and see how they are grown.  We have our own strawberry plants in the garden from which we have picked a handful of berries this year but they haven’t been too successful.

Food and eating should be a social activity too so it was good for Bear and Bee to see and be a part of large groups of people sitting together and enjoying food and community.

Two girls at a local strawberry fair.
Bee showing off her purchase at the fair (it was strawberry hair clips).
Have you taken your child to a food-based community event?  What was it like?

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