
I is for Incy Wincy Spiders

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Bear and Bee have always enjoyed the Incy Wincy Spider rhyme and look so cute trying to get their fingers to do the spider movements. 

I absolutely love the version by Kate Toms in her bright and colourful board book of the same name.  The illustrations are super cute and the rhyming text is lots of fun to read out loud.  We have other books by Kate and they are equally as good (Bear loves the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Bee’s favourite is Old MacDonald had a Farm).

After reading the book this week I decided we should extend it a little further and make spiders.  I settled on Spider drinks and Chocolate Spider treats (a double dose of sugar!). 

The Spider Drinks are very easy.  

Place a scoop of vanilla icecream in a tall glass and then pour on your favourite soft drink.  We chose raspberry for the pinkness but lime or orange would be equally as good. 
Placing a scoop of icecream in glass for spider drinks.
Pouring in the softdrink for spider drinks.
Add the softdrink slowly for the spider drinks.
Oops! Too much softdrink too quick.
Trying spider drinks.
Can't wait any longer!
These drinks can easily be dressed up for a Halloween party with some lolly snakes or raspberry liquorice straps draped over the sides of the glasses.

The Chocolate Spiders don’t require much more work. 
1 pkt (100g) of fried noodles (we use the Chang’s brand)
2 tablespoons peanut butter
200g dark cooking chocolate (or milk chocolate if you prefer)

Line a patty cake tray or muffin tray with paper cases.  The number you need will depend on how big you make the spiders.
Line a patty cake tray with paper cases for chocolate spiders.

Place the peanut butter and broken up chocolate in a microwave safe bowl.  Microwave on high for about 30 seconds or until the chocolate is melted.  Mix well.
Wait for mum for melt chocolate and peanut butter for choc spiders
Waiting for mum to melt the chocolate and peanut butter in microwave
Stir in the fried noodles.  Try to be gentle when doing this so you don’t break up the noodles too much.
Stirring in the fried noodles for chocolate spiders

Place spoonfuls of the chocolate noodle mix into the paper cases.
Spooning the mix into the paper cases

Place in the refrigerator for a few minutes to set.
Ready to put the chocolate spiders into the fridge.

What is your favourite food treat for Halloween?

If you would like to purchase a copy of this book, checkout my Fishpond Affiliate space by clicking on the image below.
Incy Wincy Spider (Kate Toms) [Board book]  

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