
A is for Aprons on my friends


On my bedside table at the moment is The Smallest Things: Thoughts on Making a Happy Family by Angela Mollard.  This book has been responsible for many a late night reading and as a consequence a few days where I have been less of a morning person than usual - not that I am much of a morning person at the best of times.  More of a wake at a reasonable hour and go to bed at a reasonable hour kind of person which hasn't actually happened since having children.

Anyway back to the book at fault.  The Smallest Things is a fantastic read.  Mollard writes columns for many of our weekend newspapers around Australia and has also appeared on television.  I have thoroughly enjoyed her honest, heart felt and uncomprising style of writing in her columns and likewise in this book. Not all of 'The Smallest Things" makes for a cheerful read, even though the title may suggest it would, but I won't give away too much here.

The chapter titled Sponge Cakes and Spoon-Licking is all about children and food (and where the title of this post comes from).  Mollard covers everything from cooking shows to fussy eaters to why we need to eat meals as a family but not in front of the television.

My favourite quote from this chapter -

"Crucially, if we're to restore a respect and appreciation for good, nourishing food then we need to get kids making their own meals." 

My thoughts exactly!

There's much more covered in this book than food but that's for another blog. I would encourage you to get your hands on a copy of this book.  With school holidays coming up you may even find some time to read it at a reasonable hour.

Enjoy your break if you get one.

PS. If you are interested in buying a copy of this book to read you can click on my affliliate link below.  

The Smallest Things: Thoughts on Making a Happy Family  

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