
L is for Love Your Lunchbox

L is for Love Your Lunchbox

Now that Bear and Bee attend kindy I have decided to dedicate every Friday on our blog to Loving Your Lunchbox.  Lunchboxes and their contents can be the cause of much frustration in many households.

What goes in the lunchbox, what's not allowed in and what comes home uneaten can all be problematic and as Kylie from Octavia and Vicky said in her post on School Lunchbox Ideas 

"Then just when you think you’re on to a winner, your lovely child decides that they now hate their favourite lunch box choices."

There is a lot of information about lunchboxes and what to put into them available on the internet, so I will be endeavouring to bring you the best of these each Friday.  We will also be trying out some new recipes and some old favourites too of lunchbox foods that kids can help make.  And by bringing these ideas to you on a Friday hopefully you will have a chance to add some things to your shopping list, try out some new ideas on your kids over the weekend and get those lunchboxes organised for the next week.

To start this new weekly series off, here's a few of the recipes on our blog that would be great for lunchbox fillers.

Weetbix Slice

Choc Raspberry Muffins

Savoury Muffins
Vegie Cheese Puffs

Anzac Biscuits


Plus, here is two more good ideas for lunchboxes.

Childhood 101 20 Lunch Box Snack Ideas

I like this printable of 20 Lunch Box Snack Ideas from Christie at Childhood 101.  It's a great idea to print the list and hang it inside your pantry door.

If you want a lunchbox menu plan for the week go and have a look at MomablesMOMables is a kid friendly family meal plan that tackles school lunch and family dinner. It helps parents feed their kids a variety of meals they will love. Members receive 2 family sized meals (perfect for dinner) and 3 single lunch ideas. 
Click on the link above or the Momables image in our sidebar to check out the website.

What does your child like in their lunchboxes?

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